Getting the right traffic to your website or non digital property is only half the battle. The key to hyper growth is converting your awesome prospects to whatever actions you’d like them to perform! To do that consistently and repeatably, you need to become scientific in your approach without losing some of your marketing magic.
You see, learning and evolving to capture the eyeballs you’ve worked so hard to acquire (usually at substantial cost) is a practice that’s not just about numbers – although that is a lot of it. Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) if it includes great messaging and creative as defined by relevance to your prospects, will drive action not only today but forever more!

1% daily improvement (1 year) = 37x better.
1% daily decline (1 year) = 97% decline.
37x your CRO efforts starting today!

Map the funnel
Starting CRO can be overwhelming. “What do I test first…” is probably the most commonly asked question by both junior and senior marketers alike that are new to CRO. We believe that the starting line is found at the end by being clear on a goal. Starting with the goal in mind allows you to look at the derivative paths that take your prospects from start to finish. A detailed map of the funnel is a critical step, as you can both visualise and identify choke points in the customer journey that can be cleared through rigorous experimentation.

science with a sprinkle of magic
With your mastermind group (and with sacred as your shepherd), you need to create a wild and wonderful list of ideas (experiments) which you intuitively believe could have a big impact on the rate your prospects utilise your product or service. No creative idea, big or small, is a bad one. But, (WAIT), don’t go running off just yet, too many options are bad unless you have the traffic to support large test. So this is where your math brain needs to kick in and control your creative brain from going too wild and being focused lots of small experiments that get results fast. With a long list of experiments, you can now overlay the critical reasoned left-brain to decide which experiments are realistic given your business constraints.

Never stop CRO’ing
Journeys are funny things. And we think best described in the book by Lewis Carrol – Alice in Wonderland. In it the King said “Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop”. We agree with Carrol and the King. All but the stopping part. CRO’ing should never stop. Tests should stop but the practice of optimisation should never end. It should be baked into your program briefs and the brief should not be closed off until the optimisation plan is finished running it’s course. Stop muttering “yeah, yeah, I dont have time for that” – you do. It just takes a small shift and you’ll start to see a big impact, not only in the outcomes but you will get closer to what makes your prospects and customers tick and ultimately that will make you better at your job.

If you are reading this, or even if you are a CRO expert, you need to be sharing the good word of CRO. The gospel of your craft. CRO is not the secret sauce, nor should it be a secret. But for all manner of different reasons CRO is one of the easiest way to learn about your prospects and to create massive impacts over all time horizons.